Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Dear Juniper

We gave my mom an ulta sound picture in a card. That is how she knew we were expecting you. It was really just a picture of my womb with a dot in it. You were that dot. We did not know if you were a boy or a girl, but I knew I loved you completely. We did not know that you would have strawberry blond hair, that you would love to dance or that you often climb in places that seem impossible, but I knew that you were mine and I loved you and wanted you so much. I already envisioned you in our little family and loving your sister. You are amazing Juniper, already at just the age of one. You have this tenacity about you. You go at everything full throttle. You are a Daddy's girl. You crawl to him when he gets home and nothing will make you happy until you are in his arms. Lucky for me after he is home awhile you welcome my arms again and give me the snuggles I so love. You cuddle more than you sister did and I love that about you. I rock you to sleep and just hold you and you let me. I hope I get at least another year of those times when you fall asleep in my arms because they are so special. You have grown by leaps and bounds in the last year.  It is hard to believe that you are already one year old today. You are loved by everyone that meets you.  I love you Juniper rose. You have blessed our family with your presence. Thank you for being my daughter.

Her favorite song right now is.. "When you're happy and
you know it clap you hands"

Mom! Stop taking my picture

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