Maelani Rose

In April 2010 we found out we were pregnant we were over whelmed with happiness.  We had been trying for 4 months and could not believe the second line had appeared in the little window on the pregnancy test. There were hugs and phone calls all around. Everything went smoothly with the pregnancy, that is until Oct 26th 2010.  I just got off work and Wyatt was cooking Mac and Cheese and I felt a big gush and I though my water broke, but unfortunately it was not my water, but blood and from there we had our tiny beautiful Maelani Rose at 24 weeks weighting 1 lb 6 oz. She blessed us with her presence until 11-11-10 when she left us. She is missed every day and loved more than anything.  We know when anyone who knows her story sees 3:33 on the clock they are reminded to be kind, do good things and love one other.  For more on Maelani's story please visit