Wednesday, April 18, 2012

We are home!!!

Wow!!! We have been home with Kai for 3 hours and it has been perfect. Daddy read her a story and Mom looked on with happy tears. We are home and a family at last. We are so thankful to have Kaiana in our lives.


  1. She looks right at home in her new bed. :)

  2. Hi Guys,

    I've been following since you had Maelani. I was pregnant at the same time and we were on the same forum on BabyCenter. I am soooo sorry about your loss, but am soooo happy for you with Kai. She looks like a beautiful girl and I'm so glad that God blessed you with another little Angel. Thank you for posting, it's nice to see that there is a happy ending or another happy beginning to your story :o)


