Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 10 in NICU

Kai is doing well. She has had no apnea spells and is gaining weight like a big girl. I can't believe her umbilical cord just fell off last night, how times flies. We are hoping she gets discharged on Wednesday. To be discharged she needs  to eat a certain percent of her bottles. She is getting close but not quite there yet. Then she gets her NG tube out.  We are really hoping she gets this eating thing down soon. We want her home!  She just finished her 2 antibiotics and got her IV out:)  She also has to pass her carseat test, in which Kai has to sit in her car seat for 2 hours with out desaturations. She has to continue to gain weight.  I am pumping every 2 -3 hours so Kai has a good supply of milk. I was hoping to breast feed, but with a NICU baby it is much more difficult to get them home. I plan on trying to transition her back to breast at home.  Wyatt and I had to watch videos before discharge to remind us not to shake a baby. I think we already had that one down. We took infant CPR just for a reminder.  Wyatt and I have been doing shifts at the NICU. He is here from 9am to early evening then goes home to let out the dogs. I am here from 10am to 10pm. I call and check on Kai around 2am to see how she is doing. During the day Wyatt and I take turns feeding her every 3 hours and changing diapers.  We are really excited to take Kai home. I can't wait to have her in her own crib and her own home and get to a new normal for us. We are so thankful to have her and love her soooo much.

Preemie outfit a little snug for this big 5lb 7oz girl

I'm so hungry, i'll just eat my fingers. 

Daddy loves me, this I know.


  1. She always has this happy content look in all of her pictures.
