Sunday, October 27, 2013

Toy donation

We decided to donate toys again this year to the University of Iowa Children's hospital in Maelani's name, in hope to bring smiles to the faces of the boys and girls having to stay in the hospital. This year we had so much fun picking out the toys with Kai. She went up and down the aisles playing with every toy she could reach, as you can see Kai found the dolly aisle and picked a few of them out. 

Kai thinks this is better than Christmas, Dollies everywhere

From Crystal and Jason, for donation in Maelani's name.
Thank you!!!

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Around Maelani's birthday I always go back to her care pages and reread those thoughts, feelings and updates we wrote during those 16 days. I don't want to forget. I don't want to think I remembered, but only to find out I was remembering a dream. I am glad to have those posts from days that were a blurr to me. 16 days I cherish, but are also painful. I was reading the "Kiss for Maelani" post and wanted to share it here to remind everyone that Maelani continues to live in acts of kindness and in our hearts. 3:33

Kiss for Maelani"

Posted Nov 3, 2010 1:47pm
Mommy and Daddy have always had a tradition of kissing whenever we notice that the clock reads 11:11. Even when we are at work, or apart for another reason, it has become our habit to blow each other a little kiss if the clock should ever read 11:11 when we see it.
We simply do not know that Maelani will ever leave the NICU. But we know that regardless of her outcome, she will not be forgotten, and we will see to it that she lives on, be it in the flesh, or in spirit through us and through our daily actions. We insist that this world become a better place because of Maelani Rose. For this reason, we would like to share with you all a story from a couple of days ago.
A couple of nights ago, Daddy and Mommy were catching a few Z's when Daddy was having a beautiful dream about his daughter growing up, full of life and full of spirit. She was a very happy child, with a big bright smile and a beautiful blonde curls. Mommy, Daddy, and Little Maelani were all together and very happy in this dream.
Daddy's alarm on his phone was inadvertently set from the night before, and had been going off for a couple minutes playing the "celestial harp" alarm. When Daddy awoke from this lovely dream about his family of three, the clock read 3:33.
We decided at this point that henceforth, when we see a clock that reads 3:33, we will "Kiss for Maelani." As such, she will not ever be forgotten, and will continue to bring us smiles in our lives. With every "Kiss for Maelani," we will spend just a few seconds to reflect upon that which is positive in our lives, think of Maelani Rose, and be grateful for all the gifts we have been given.
If you have been touched by Maelani Rose, we invite you to give your love ones a "Kiss for Maelani" along with us. You do not have to wait by the clock until it turns 3:33, but when you should happen to see it by chance, briefly reflect upon the positives in your life, kiss a loved one who is nearby, or if no loved one is nearby, blow a loved one a kiss from afar.
Please note, that the bylaws of the "Kiss for Maelani" program prohibit any fighting, arguing, or disputes to continue with a loved one once a "Kiss for Maelani" has been declared at 3:33. Maelani will have nothing to do with this negativity, and after a "Kiss for Maelani" such negativity must be ceased immediately.
Maelani welcomes all of her friends and followers to participate. We hope that Maelani will not only have a positive impact on our lives, but some of yours as well. Please feel free to pass this message along to whomever you like!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Pumpkin patch 2

This is what Kai thought of the hay ride

Daddy's girl

This one

no, this one

and this one

maybe this one too

How many did you say I can have? 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Kai 18 months

Kai you are 18 months and weight  23lb 10 oz at 37%, and are 33.5 inches tall at 91%. You are such a joy. You carry your dollies around, love watching Baby Signing Time, Curious George and Daniel Tiger. You say bubbles, baby, dolly, doggie, ice, up, nana, papa, mamma, dadda, bye bye, ball, elbow and a few more I am forgetting. You sign more words than you say, too many to list. You like visit the Farm and feed the animals and climb on everything.  You watch the Hawkeyes with Daddy and love touchdowns. We are so thankful to have you in our lives. Kaiana Rose, Mommy and Daddy love you. You are growing up so fast and we love to watch you grow.

Waiting for the Dr.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Baby girl

Wyatt and I are expecting a baby girl. We are so grateful that Kai will have a sister to play with and share secrets. This little baby girl has the same due date at Maelani, middle of February.  I am feeling pretty good now, and seeing a high risk group of doctors and hoping to have a smooth pregnancy this time. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pumpkin Patch 1

Here is a good one!

Or maybe these two.

Nope this is the one. I love it


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

October is upon us

It's October, Maelani's birthday month. The weather is perfect, the sun is usually shinning and the days are filled with fresh air and football, but I feel sad, not all day everyday, but often. It's such a tough month for me.

I would like nothing more than to run off and put my feet in the ocean, so I could feel a little closer to my little Maelani.  I want to hunker down and put my head under the covers and dream of running along the ocean with Maelani at my side, but I know this is not an option.

There is Kai, who I am eternally grateful for.   Kai starts everyday at 7:30 am sharp, by saying "Mama Dadda" when I open her door. It is stated as a question, as in "Mama, [where's] Dadda?" I answer,  "Dadda is working."

Without fail, her next words after changing her diaper, are "Eee Eee" (what the monkey says). We head back to my bedroom, climb into bed with her by my side and watch 'Curious George'.  I know I am blessed with Kai. She is amazingly perfect. She is perfect in the way she runs with her hands over her head, and the way she walks while dragging her dollies by their hair and with her infectious smiles. So while I am wanting to put my head under the covers and dream, all I would see is my beautiful daughter Kai with a smile on her face saying Eee Eee.

I know things are just the way they are supposed to be. I will probably never understand the reason, but I know it's going to be OK.  Maelani will see to it. 3:33

Monday, October 14, 2013


I may have helped a little with the putting together :) Kai did
the glue and the added all the cotton balls.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Kai loves dolls right now. It's so cute to see her walking around with a doll in her arms. She calls them all dolly. The cabbage patch kid was mine from when I was a little girl and it melts my heart. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fall Wreath

I saw this wreath on pinterest and I thought, I can make that. So I did. Tip, use a super heavy duty wire cutters to cut of hydrangea flower heads off the stems and use thin flower wire to tie the flowers to the wreath. Get your Mom to tie the bow, because I tried all day to tie a bow with no avail. She did it in 2 minutes. Then your done. As always supplies were bought at 40% off. Total cost around 25 dollars

Here is the link on Pinterest but it leads you no where

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Deanna Rose Farm

What's your name? 

Is that Narnia? 

Hi goat

Mom, a rooster!

Catch me!

Just chillin

Look at those lashes:)