Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Pink Monkey

For Kai's first Valentine's Day, Daddy got for her a soft little pink monkey, who has since been named: "Pink Monkey." (Fitting, right?)  Since this time, Daddy has been having to get up early to leave for work, and rarely gets to see Kai awake in the morning before he leaves.  Nevertheless, he has found a way to still participate in the morning fun with Kai.  Every day when Kai first goes downstairs, the first thing she does is look for Pink Monkey.  You see, it seems that every night, sometime between when Kai goes to bed and the next morning when Daddy leaves for work, Pink Monkey manages to get himself into all kinds of mischief.  When Mommy and Kai finally head downstairs in the morning, Mommy will ask, "Where is Pink Monkey?" and Kai gets the excited look on her face as the two of them proceed on their monkey-seek through the house. Her focus and drive through this process far surpasses that of what any 11 month old should be capable. Every time she finds him, there is a huge smile with some happy squeaks and a pointing index finger.  To bad Daddy isn't ever around to see us find Pink Monkey in the mornings; he wouldn't even believe all the places we found Pink Monkey....or would he???

Pink Monkey chilling on the sailboat.

Pink Monkey has a good view of the house from his perch.

Pink Monkey trying to "be small" in the bushes.
Sometimes Pink Monkey gets a little daring, like this morning from the ceiling fan...
"THERE HE IS!!!!!"
"How in the world did you get so high up there, Pink Monkey?"

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