Saturday, June 30, 2012

Game day

Daddy bought Kai this game gear for the Cardinals baseball game today. Unfortunately it's too hot at 104 for Kai, so Mommy and Kai will have to watch the game on tv while Wyatt, Ruby and Larry go to the game.

We did have to make a quick trip to the mall for a few things and I got my toes done while wearing Kai. Mommy skills:)
Daddy put this headband on upside down.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Play time

Kai is a happy baby. She loves to play on her play mat and check herself out. She knows her awesomeness. 


Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Kai had her shots today at 11 weeks. She was a trooper and only cried for a little bit  then just put on her mad face. This was a breeze compared to her pervious blood draws and IV's. The Dr gave her a clean bill of health and thought it was necessary to tell me he has never seen so much blood be vomited up by a baby and he had to show the pictures to all his colleagues, gee thanks Dr, you can keep that little nugget of information to yourself. No mom wants to hear her child wins the record for most vomited blood.

Kai was 25-50% for head and weight and 75% in height. She is 10lb 6oz and 23 inches long. Getting to be such a big girl. I love her so much.
Before Shots

After Shots, had to break out the binky
Kai's new thing. She likes to check out her pretty self in the mirror. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

High fashion

I found this Burberry outfit on ebay. I promise I did not buy it from Nordstroms or the like for a bajillion dollars.  I do have to admit I am a fan of the Jack and Janie clothes which are way over priced and well as the Snugars headbands, also over priced, but super cute!!

Bath Time 11 weeks

She is just starting to dig the bath. Kai is not a big splasher yet but we get a few smiles during bath time

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Unexpected Morning

Kai, you scared your Mommy today. You are only 10 weeks old and have already scared me way too many times. It would be ok with me if you never scare me again. Today at 5am when I walked in to see you because I thought I heard you squeak on the monitor, you were covered in blood. I don't mean a little bit of blood I mean A LOT of blood. My heart stopped, and I touched you and you were ok, and I breathed again. Then I yelled for your Daddy and the tears came slowly dripping down my face as I picked you up and held you tight, probably too tight and nursed you because you were hungry. What happened? You were fine at 2:30am. Sleeping all bundled up in your sleep sack.   What happened? We called your Dr Cole hoping he would tell us to see him at 9am in the office, since you were acting normal, but no he said go to the ER, so Mommy and Daddy headed to the ER. I prepared myself on the drive there, I knew they would draw your blood to check a CBC. I was not prepared. I was not prepared to see you screaming and having strange people around you holding you down and telling me they will be done soon so I could hold you again. I was not prepared to hear you hurting and not being able to comfort you.  It tears at my soul to hear you scream at the opposite end of the hall,  because I can not bear to be a bystander amidst your pain. As a your mom, I want to endure all of your pain so you don't have to feel it, but I can't. I can't protect you from all things that hurt and as a Mom that makes me hurt. I love you Kai and today I am sorry that you hurt.  I love you always and forever, Your mom

The Er could not find a source of the blood. All her tests were normal and we are going to follow up with GI and her Pediatrician. They think maybe reflux, maybe blood from my boob and put her on Pepcid. I hope to not ever have a repeat night like this ever again. To say I was scared would be a gross understatement. No one should have to find their infant covered in blood. My Mommy skills were challenged once again and I prevailed. 

See, I'm OK Mom

Monday, June 18, 2012

We are getting settled into our new rental home and we could not have done it without the help of my Mom, she was amazing per usual and packed and unpacked like a crazy women. The nursery was already painted with this beautiful mural, which matched her stool she has with her name on it perfectly. I think Kai likes her room and we just need to get her books in her bookcase then it's all done. It is much bigger than her last room which means there is room to buy her more head bands. Heehee.  I think she has had a growth spurt recently none of her newborn clothes fit anymore, because she is too long for them. I am loving being a Mom. I have found it is much more difficult than I anticipated to get things done around the house. She is on my boob every 2 hours and is not a big fan of napping out of my arms, which is OK with me for now, but I may need my arms back eventually.
Thank you Mom for everything you do for us:) Love you

Look how much Kai has grown. Time to put this dress away.
May 9th in Little Maelani's dress

My Mom said "Holy Polka Dot"

Monday, June 4, 2012

Photo bomb of my beautiful little lady

Kai is getting bigger and when I weighed her on our scale she was 9 lb  and I thought, hmmm 9 lb does that mean her 0-3 month clothes will fit? The answer is yes!! Yea!! New clothes to wear more photos to take. Side note, Kai has just started to sleep 5 hours at night which means I can function during the day. This is a big deal:) 

I said STOP Mom!!

Grandma and Grandpa Hadley visit