Thursday, August 11, 2016

Things I love for me

Things I love 
My Kids, my husband and family are a given to make my heart skip a beat, but what about the other thing that make my heart soar. Not the mommy heart or the wife heart, but the my heart for me. This heart is easy to forgot once babies enter your life and is often forgotten for a while, but it is good to rediscover that heart and find out if you can still make it skip. So here is my list. I am so thankful that I have craved out time in my life again to find it.

I love it. I don't get to do it often, but when I do there will be a smile on my face and a laugh in the air. I will walk away with jelly legs and a smile. 

When I capture that image that makes me feel proud I smile inside. I love the feeling of "I did that" I made something that makes me feel proud. 

I  sometimes will make art. I  just got done with a ceramic wheel class and I like to paint a little or redo some furniture and love the joy I feel that I created something beautiful. 

Jet skiing 
I love going fast and bounding over waves. I love the smell of the water moving though the air and my arms wrapped around my husband. I love boating too.

Scuba diving 
Seeing the life under the water  we don't see until you are in there with them. It's bright, serene and relaxing.

Sitting on a ocean beach. Enough said about that one. Who's heart is not happy sitting on a beach smelling the salty air. 

I also love pushing my comfort zone and trying new things. I love getting an adrenaline rush and finding time to read a book.

Lighting over the lake, taken with iPhone 

A rainbow listed us while we were jet skiing. Happy time


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

My girls

My girls are the most amazing rays of light I know. They almost sparkle.

What Kai likes right now
Kai enjoys swimming and anything art, including play dough, water painting, and assembling collages. I have had to sharpen my negotiation skills as she is alway trying to make a deal with me to get more candy or cake. The girl loves her sweets.

What June likes right now
June is enamored with Kai. She will do anything that Kai is doing, including the things that Kai should not be doing. June is still a climber a bit of a picky eater, but loves milk.  She carries a bunny and sucks her thumb. She like to say "pick up me" She loves her "mobies" including the Minions. 

This girl

This girl brings so much joy to this heart.

Summer time

Summer time is about ice-cream cones and sunshine. Both out in full force this day. Perfect:)

Block Art

Kai is very creative and often makes things I would not even know where to begin.

This is a cat needs turned to the right 

This is a giraffe. It's needs turned to the right 

This is Kai 

Just keep swimming

 Kai learned how to doggie paddle in the pool this year. It was a lot of hard work for her and we still have a long ways to go, but making progress. Go Kai!!