Monday, February 15, 2016


I have learned so much the last few months and I can see my flaws now and just don't know how to fix all of them, but I still get pictures that I enjoy and the girls do cooperate now most of the time, just not at the same time. June does not like Kai touching her during photos.  It's kinda funny. I love these girls. I am glad they don't mind me taking their pictures. Thanks girls:)

Still impossible to get both of them in one shot and
it is not for the lack of Kai trying. 

I want to learn to composite images. I really want to learn it. It is 
hard and not something you can teach yourself over 
night. I have spent a week on the 3 images below and they are no where 
close to good. I have lot's and lot's of work to do, but that's OK. It gives me 
something to learn and that is fun. It's my photography journey. 

Here is the artist I am inspired by.    Someday....

First try

Second try

Third try

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

June's Birthday party

June had a really fun birthday at Gymboree Play. There were smiles and giggles all around. I am so thankful for my friends and family that came out and helped us celebrate with June. 

Junes 2 year stats 
Height 34.25 inches at 63%
Weight 23.2 oz 9% 

Cake face plant