Wednesday, April 29, 2015

March for babies Team Maelani

It's that time of the year again when we walk for Maelani and raise money to bring hope to the babies that are born too soon. I am thankful for this day because the family comes together for Maelani to make a difference in her name. Someday babies born too soon will be be a thing of the past. Please visit the link to donate. We are really close to Team Maelani's goal and only 4 days until the walk. Thank you everyone for your support.

How I would love to hold her 1lb 6 oz's again. 

3 year and 15 month

Kai's 3 year check up
Height 3 feet 2.75 inch 85 percent 
Weight 32.4 lb 66 percent  

June's 15 month check up 
Head circ 17 inches 2 percent 
Height 30 inches 37 percent 
Weight 19.1 lb 4 percent 

I survived a check up with 2 kiddos. 3 shots and 2 blood draws. They both did really well. We then celebrated by going out to eating and popsicles 

Kai was Elsa this day. If you would say "Hi Kai." she would say "No I'm Elsa."


Sunday, April 26, 2015

Table project

I plan to do some built in furniture at a later date, but until then I need a functional space for coats, shoes and mail. I found these inexpensive pieces at Hobby Lobby and gave them a coat of paint so they would match.  I love to paint stuff, this was a fun easy project.

I did add a spray on clear coat after the paint. 

I just need some art for the wall and a little chair and I will be set. 
Kai's shoes are in one basket and June's are in the other side. This 
is convenient since Kai can put on her own shoes now and she can
 put them away.  


We recently moved into our forever home and I am learning all things about the house that you don't learn when you are doing a walk through.  I have learned that this house has amazing sunsets. They are so pretty and I am thankful for this nice surprise and lifetime of sunsets from this porch.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Kai's 20 questions

Kai's 20 questions age 3. 

1 What is your favorite color
Pink and blue

2 What is your favorite food

3 What makes your heart happy
Eating candy

4 What is your favorite movie
 Baymont (Big Hero Six)

5 What is your favorite thing to do with dad
 Pick up mushrooms 

6 What is your favorite thing to do with mom
 Take a nap

7 Where is your favorite place to go

8 What is your favorite animal

9 Who is your best friend

10 What is your favorite book
Alice in Wonderland 

11 What makes you sad
When you take away my toys 

12 What is your favorite thing to do with your family
 Eat cake 

13 Are you scared of anything
 Going in a cave 

14 What do you want to be when you grow up
 Read books 

15 What makes your family special
Having chocolate milk

16 What does mom do to make you feel loved
 Make a heart for me 

17 What does dad do to make you feel loved
 Gets water for me. 

18 What is your favorite thing about June baby.
She eats dirt 

19 What is your favorite toy 

20 Who is your favorite teacher 
Miss Timberly

Kai's 3rd Birthday

 I remember when I worked at a daycare and 3 was always my favorite age. They were funny and cuddly and mostly sweet. Kai, you are 3 now and I feel like you are all those things, but more. You are sweet to the core. You are funny to the max. I love the things you say such as,  "that makes my heart sooo happy." You like to play catch outside, but your favorite thing is to watch movies and any art. I limit the movies to a few week. You were very excited to get Big Hero Six for your birthday, it's currently your favorite movie. You are incredibly smart. You can count to the teens and know your ABC's. You love school and sing all the songs now when I watch you at your school plays. Kai you are amazing and I love you. Happy 3rd birthday my amazingly brilliant,  sweet, funny, lovable, Kai. You are the best.

Daddy putting Baymont together.

Elsa cake as you requested. 

Lake fun with Friends

The Chocolate Treatsie box

I know I have written about Treatsie before but I have to say again how wonderful these boxes are to get in the mail. It is one of my favorite presents. As everyone knows I have a sweet tooth and these boxes were made for me. I get so excited every time one of these boxes shows up on my door step.


This sucker was so yummy

Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter fun

We had our Easter egg hunt at the lake this year with friends and it was a success. Lot's of fun had by the adults and children. Memories were made this year:) 

Best Friends

The bunny with one front tooth.

Black and White