Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I am not sure what is going on, but the flu has hit the house and let me tell you it's no fun. It started at the lake. My Mom got it first, then Wyatt, then me. Yuck, is all I can say about that. Thank goodness Kai has avoided it. No one wants their one year old to be sick and the poor thing just had hand foot mouth, so she should get a pass. Stay away flu!!!


We headed to the zoo a few weeks ago.  I have to say that compared to the St. Louis zoo there is room for improvement. It was a lot of walking and not much animal seeing. The animals we did see, we all enjoyed. While there we also witnessed a Grandma giving her 6 month old coke in a bottle. But apparently that's ok because she said it was "diluted some." There is room for improvement there also.

Here, I know your going to put this on me.


It's a monkey!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hand Foot Mouth

Kai has it. We went to Wonderscope museum and while it was a fun place, it was not the cleanest.  A few day later the fever appeared.  This is a normal childhood illness and she is already felling better after a few days, but the blister remain. We have watched way too much Daniel Tiger the last few days.


Kai is a climber, she gets to the park and goes for the slide.
 This is a big slide that required some encouragement to go down the first time.
 Half-way down she lets out a big "UH-OH!!" but ended the ride with big smiles.
She then went down another bajillion times. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

What do you think?

We do outdoor water play most days and always start out dressed. By at the end she is almost nude. Then outside play is over. 

Does this make my butt look big? 

Saturday, August 17, 2013


 Kai has music class every week. Kai is not a fan of music class, she usually stands at the door and whines. She is often shy in public and I think thats why she does not like music class, she has to participate in group activities. She does however love the open gym after music class. So we have that going for us. She is a climber.

Is music over yet? 

Yea!! Slide  

Friday, August 16, 2013

These boots are made for walkin

Kai loves new shoes. I'm not sure why,  but when a
 new pair comes in the mail it always gives her big smiles.

Olive Garden Soup

I have been hungry for Olive Garden's Minestrone soup, because I love it. So yummy.  Unfortunately, Olive Garden is kinda far away from me.  I decided to make a big batch. The recipe I used is below and I added a little sherry.  It was pretty darn close to the original. I recommend making this one.


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Kai eats healthy

Kai has always been a good eater. She will eat most things in front of her. I on the other hand, like the sweeter side of things. One of us eats healthy.

One of these is mine and the other is Kai's 

Caprese salad,  peas and chicken 
