Monday, September 24, 2012

Nobody put's Baby in the corner

Kai is in love with this jumper and we stuck her in the corner so she could jump to her hearts content without Arlo interfering.  

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Selective smelling?

We all know guys have "selective hearing."  It's a well know fact that if there is a game on, they probably are not going to hear us tell them about our day or the exciting shopping trip we just had. I have to say I was shocked to find out that Wyatt also has selective smelling. Wyatt, Kai and I were on a little road trip this week. We were switching drivers at Caseys and I climbed in the back seat to feed Kai. I open the back door and the smell hits me. POOP! How did my husband not smell this, and say, "Honey, I think you should pull over. Kai Pooped." Nope, not a word.  Also, since Kai sat in her poop for who knows how many miles, it had seeped out of her diaper and through her onesie,  pants AND conveniently Wyatt was already inside Casey's.   I am stuck with a blow out in the back seat of the car. Thanks Honey. The one that tops the cake, we were at the hotel and Wyatt ran to grab breakfast then I   ran out to grab breakfast next down the hall, when I came back into the the hotel room I was hit with the smell of old dirty diapers like I ran into a brick wall. Now this was the stink of all stink because these diapers have been sitting in the hotel trash over night.   I asked Wyatt "Cant you smell that?" Wyatt "Smell what?"  "The trash full of dirty diapers!" Wyatt says, "Nope."  So, I now know my husband has not only "selective hearing," but also "selective smelling". But I love him anyways.

Hawkeye Football

Mmmmm.... Moose favorite pregame meal.

Mom, either get me out of this baby carrier, or "Right, FACE."

This is sooo much better than watching football on TV.

Uh-oh Hawkeye fans, this isn't looking promising.
Lets never talk about this game again.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Rolling 5.5 months

I thought it was never going to happen but Kai is rolling over. Now, she has rules to her rolling, like she will only roll to the right. Only roll from back to belly. Only roll if puts her in TV viewing range.

Grandma and Grandpa Hadley

We have season tickets to the Iowa Hawkeyes football and Grandma and Grandpa Hadley came to Iowa City to watch Kai. It was the first time I was away from Kai and I have to say I did a really good job. That is until the 4th quarter, by then the Hawkeyes were winning and I was ready to get back and see my babe. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Just as I think I am perfecting my Mommy skills this happens. Kai was in her jumper, jump, jump, jumping away. I'm sitting by her watching, watching watching away. She stops and chews on her arm awhile. I think nothing of this behavior, until I notice she just gave herself a hickey. Now this was yesterday and today the hickey remains to remind me, my Mommy skills need more perfecting.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sweet Potatoes: 5 months 1 week

Kai had her first bite of food today because I thought she was wanting to eat. Well,  I guess not, she had a look of disgust on her face the entire time she was attempting to eat. She would stick the spoon in her mouth and make this horrible face.  Poor thing, I felt sorry for her. I made her some peas, we will try those in a few days. Then maybe some banana.

Vintage clothes

So while I was back at my parents for the first Hawkeye football game we dug out my old cabbage patch kids, because Kai will totally love them. Inside the box was a few of my old baby outfits. I am in love with vintage baby clothes.  I need more, but where does one go to buy vintage baby clothes? Maybe one of my 4 readers of this blog will know because I don't.

The print is little wiener dogs. I love the colors.


This is the outfit I was baptized in. 

Current favorite activity--- Eating feet

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Playdate at my house

I have been so thankful to meet such wonderful Mom's and their babies. I had my first play date at my house and we got all the babies together for this cute shot. It had to be taken quickly. How cute are they?  Answer.... Very Very Cute

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Help me pick!

OK, everyone, I need your help. I am entering Kaiana into the American Baby cover contest and I need your help picking the photo to submit. So which one is the best? Pick 1 through 8








Taco pizza

When I visit Mt. Pleasant the Taco pizza is a must. I mean look at this sloppy mess. Yes, please!!

Hawkeye tailgate

Kai had her first tailgate. She is an awesome tailgater but not so much into the game. I think it was a bit loud. Next week Grandma and Grandpa Hadley are watching her. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Hadley! Go Hawks!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Kai's first Cardinals game

We went to the Cards game on labor day. The weather was perfect and we had tickets in the red bird club so we could go inside if we needed too, and yep we needed too. Kai was not a fan of being outside in the seats. Inside, she was her perfect self. She played and was super excited about the million TV's that Mom had no way to avoid. After the game we went over to a friends for a BBQ and had a great time. Kai was perfect once again even with a lack of a nap. Go Kai. Next weekend, we tackle Kinnick stadium.  Go Hawkeyes!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Iowa Hawkeyes

Kai had a big day because she got to watch the Hawks and not only was this her first of many Hawkeye games, but she got to watch it on TV.  Kai does not get to watch TV, but we made an exception for the Hawkeyes today.  Go Hawks!!

 I almost too sleepy to watch the Hawks. 

"My fingers mixed with this tutu is yummmmmy." says  Kai

"Mom, I know you are excited about
 the Hawks, but I'm still a little sleepy."

What!! A Flag?